Saturday, October 8, 2011

Warning! Inane Post Ahead!

LONG TIME NO...see? That just does not sound right, but, whatever...I'll go with it.

How do I sum up the last 10 months in 10 seconds or less? Let's see:

Ran a lot, lost more weight, started a business, found out mother-in-law has cancer, almost bought a new house, did not buy a new house,oldest child started high school, taught school for 6 weeks, quit teaching so m-i-l could move in, husband lost job, SOOOO glad did not buy that new house, and...well...lots of other stuff.

Rather lame, I know, but, hey, it is my blog and I can do what I want.

So this business thing turned out to be great because if my husband is not able to find a job right away (scarily probable in this job market and economy), at least we have some income. Heavy emphasis on some.

Why a blog post now - after all this time? Heck if I know. I am seized by these random thoughts that must find an outlet, so there you go.

I also discovered that I can resist just about any yummy food - except homemade chocolate cake. So, my strategy was to get rid of it as fast as possible - which did not decrease my calories consumed, but did guarantee that the cake would not turn into a long-term problem. So, I am fallible in the nutrition department, despite my stellar record the past 14 months. Ah well, we all have a weakness, I suppose.

On an unrelated note, I am looking forward to the Ranger's game this evening. After I mop the floor (BOO) and go work out (all that cake, you know...).

Okay, yes, not my best post, but I had to post SOMETHING. :)

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